If you read this story, you will find heaven

If you read this story, you will find heaven! The poor living in a village starts from Dhaniram Seth. Yes, poor Dhaniram Seth, you might be thinking Seth and he is also poor, how are these two contradictions together?

It's all a game of luck guys. Every person has ups and downs in his life. In the same way, Dhaniram Seth used to be very rich at some time and he had done a lot of charity and virtue, but time changed and he slowly lost his money. At last, he reached to the situation that people started knowing him by the name of poor Dhaniram Seth.

But they say not that good deeds will be rewarded even in late morning. Something similar was going to happen to this poor Dhaniram Seth.

The village in which Seth lived, once the king's people declared that whoever has done good deeds can count their good deeds and take reward from the king.

Seth's wife heard this announcement. Seth's wife was very happy because she knew Seth did countless virtues in her good days.

The wife told Seth this, Seth was also happy and said, "If so, we should get a huge reward because our list of good deeds is huge." "

The next day Seth tied four loaves in the morning and walked towards the king's palace. King's palace was far away from Seth's house and the journey was long. Seth is pretty tired after he's halfway. Seth started sitting under the shade of a tree and thinking of eating the bread he brought with him.

Seth was thinking of eating that's why a cow and his two calves came. Seeing the bread in Seth's hands, the cow and his calves stood in front of him and by his expression, Seth realized they were hungry and asking for food from Seth. Seth had a lot of cows in his good days, so Seth knew cows manners well.

Although Seth's condition wasn't good yet, Seth's nature hasn't changed at all. He was already a philanthropist, so he pity the cow and gave two of the bread he brought with him to the cow.

After eating two loaves in a few moments, the cow started looking at Seth again, Seth thought that this cow looks more hungry. Poor girl also has to feed two children. What will happen to these two bread? Seth gave the remaining two bread to the cow. Seth moved forward in his journey by drinking water from the nearby pond.

When Seth reached the king's court, the king asked Seth his name in front of the whole court and told him about his good deeds.

Seth bowed down to the King and started telling about his actions. Seth said, "Maharaj, I have fed many hunger. Donated to many temples. Many homeless people have been sheltered. Have visited many pilgrimage places. Have served hundreds of saints. "

After telling dozens of such works, Seth said, "Maharaj, these are some of my good deeds." Give whatever prize you want to give in return. "

After a while thinking the King said, "If you have any other good deeds, tell them! Because I don't count what you have told me till now. "

Seth was very surprised to hear the king. Seth folded hands to the king, "If I tell you these deeds do not look good or good deeds, it would be useless to mention the rest of my deeds! You allow me, I go back. "

Seth began to leave the court, then one of the king's courtesy went to the king and said something, after hearing which the king called Seth back to the court.

The king said, "You didn't tell about the good deed you did today! "

Seth said, "Maharaj, I did not do any good deed today, then how can I tell you! "

The king asked the same court to stand and tell the whole incident that told the king about him.

The court stood up and said, "Maharaj, as I told you, I live in the same village where this Seth was sitting to rest and I saw how he fed all his food to the cow nearby and himself kept hungry by drinking water. "

Seth found out what the King was talking about. When Seth said to the King, "What virtue is it to feed an animal?" And I had forgotten this for long. " 

The king said to Seth, "According to my great Guru, I also consider those works which are done selflessly while doing it. Be done for those who need it and most of all be forgotten after doing it. That's why what you did today was the best and best of all you've ever done. For whom you truly deserve the reward. "

King gave Seth a huge reward to which Seth's economic situation became the same again and Seth and Sethani spent their whole life selflessly doing good deeds.

Friends, they say that if you do charity, religion and good deeds with one hand then the other hand should not know, but nowadays something is the opposite. Nowadays people help others just to show off.

If you donate to hospitals, get your name written on the walls. When you feed the poor, you take selfies with them. Now you tell me, can such works be called good deeds?

Thank you for reading the whole story! Hope you guys learn something good from today's story. Share this story with your friends, family and colleagues so they can also have clarity about good deeds.

