Mom I'm so tired

Mom I'm so tired of taking care of the house. Nobody sees my tiredness here! Just want to relax for a few days. Thinking of coming to my parents for a few days, will bring my kids along, they will go to school from there. Finally, there is some benefits of having in-laws and mica in the same city. Humility said to her mother on the phone.

Where is Parvati living on the other side - Yes son, when you wish come, it is your home too.

Okay mom I will come tomorrow Humility happy said.

Yes son come tomorrow I will wait for you now I keep phone I want to go to temple too.

Kamla ji kept the phone and went straight to the kitchen. She said to daughter-in-law who was cooking in the kitchen - Hey Anupama, listen, your sister-in-law is coming tomorrow, go to the market and bring fruits, vegetables and sweets.

My poor daughter acts like a servant at her in-laws and no one pays attention. If he will come here, he will stay for few days, then his mind and health will be good.

Anupama's face came down after hearing such things from mother-in-law's mouth! That mind started thinking, I wish you could see my tiredness too. I also broom day and night, cook utensils, go to market and do everything that doesn't mind our family members. I wish you could pay attention to me too.

Your daughter comes here when it comes to mind but I go to my mother once a year you still have problem. I am also human, I also have a mind, I also feel like going to my mother and rest a little, talk about happiness and sorrow, lighten my mind. God now you do something so that my breath eyes open and see my tiredness.

Till evening God listened to Anupama and got a call from her sister-in-law. Sister-in-law told his mother that his mother-in-law refused him to come to her mother-in-law, so this time she can't come.

Parvati ji said how did you refuse like this! Before she never stop you from coming. What happened to the good this time? Bring me talk she I understand.

Humility gave the phone to her mother in law. Parvati ji said hello Samdhan ji! Had to say something to you. Samdhan ji said, say. Actually Humility is festival tomorrow so my parents want to come if you send her it would be nice.

Namrata's mother-in-law said, see Samadhan ji, we never stopped her for the fact that your daughter is going to Maike and we have no problem with this.

Few days ago I went to my relative's wedding, there got a chance to meet your daughter-in-law Anupama's mother. While gossiping with her, her words came to know that Anupama gets to visit her home once a year and that too for a very short time.

I think you should send Anupama her mothers first and when she comes as mothers I will send humility to you.

A very important thing I think you should understand that you should love your daughter-in-law more than a daughter. He must have wanted to go to his parents too. Maybe you won't send her to her parents to welcome her from being there, or she's still afraid to say something to you. If you keep her imprisoned at home, there will be a day when she starts speaking against you! Then she won't even listen to you and go to her parents whenever she wants.

It's better to implement some changes that doesn't spoil the sweetness of your relationship and relationship.

Parvati saw the truth in every single word of her resolution. They realized they never considered their daughter-in-law's mind blindly in love with their daughter. He always put his daughter above his daughter-in-law.

On the other hand Namrata was also listening to this conversation about her sister-in-law. She also realized that she never talks to her sister-in-law properly and when she goes to her mother-in-law, sister-in-law is a little sad.

Parvati ji called his daughter-in-law and told her that Anupama is not going to come for few days, so first you come as your mother.

Anupama's face goosebumps on hearing this because it was the first time her mother-in-law asked her to go to her parents. 

The next day Anupama went to her maternal house and this time she came to meet her parents and relatives and when she returned her face was open and her eyes were shining.

After Anupama's arrival, Namrata also came to her mother-in-law and this time she found happiness and talked nicely with her sister-in-law. Namrata spoke to her mother and helped her understand better that she was misbehaving with Anupama somewhere.

On the other hand Anupama was very happy with her in-laws' attitude now she takes care of everyone and does everything with love. She cares not to do anything or work that causes stressful at home.

Parvati ji used to send her daughter-in-law to her home from time to time. A small shift removed the bitterness between mother-in-law and sister-in-law and sister-in-law and made the relationship even sweeter and stronger.

एक घर में मां बेटी रहती थी रात का समय था। दरवाजे पर खटखटाने की आवाज आई मां और बेटी बहुत गरीब थे। छोटे से घर में रहते थे बेटे ने दरवाजा खोला तो वहां पर कोई नहीं था नीचे देखा तो चिट्ठी पड़ी हुई थी बेटी ने चिट्ठी खोलकर पढ़ी तो हाथ कांपने लगा और जोर से चिल्लाई मां इधर आओ चिट्ठी में लिखा था बेटी मैं तुम्हारे घर आऊंगा तुमसे और तुम्हारी मां से मिलने और नाम की जगह नीचे लिखा था भगवान। 

 मां ने कहा यह शायद हमारी गली के किसी लड़के ने तुम्हें छेड़ने के लिए बहुत ही गंदी शरारत की है लेकिन बेटी को मां की बात पर यकीन ही नहीं हो रहा था बेटी बोली मां पता नहीं क्यों मुझे यह सच लग रहा है मां को मना कर बेटी और मां दोनों तैयारी में लग गई घर भले ही छोटा सा था लेकिन दिल बहुत अमीर। 

 घर पर एक चटाई थी मेहमानों के लिए थे निकाल कर बिछा दी और रसोई घर में जाकर देखा तो खाने का एक दाना नहीं था। बेटी और मां दोनों गहरी सोच में पड़ गए हैं यदि भगवान सच में आ गए तो खाने में कुछ नहीं दे पाएंगे। आगे पीछे का कुछ नहीं सोचा बचत के 300 रुपए बेटी के पास थे पैसे लेकर वे दोनों छाता और कंबल लेकर किराने की दुकान के लिए निकल पड़े बारिश होने वाली थी और ठंड भी बहुत ज्यादा थी एक पैकेट दूध एक मिठाई का बॉक्स और कुल 200 रुपये की चीजें खरीद कर वापस लौट आए। क्योंकि उन्हें लगा शायद भगवान घर पर पहुंच गए होंगे घर से थोड़ी दूर पहुंची तो देखा कि जोर से बारिश शुरू हो गई और सड़क किनारे एक पति-पत्नी खड़े थे और ऑटो पास से गुजरा तो लड़की ने देखा उनके हाथ में छोटा बच्चा रो रहा था स्थिति कुछ ठीक नहीं लग रही थी है ऑटो घर के दरवाजे पर पहुंचा मां ऑटो से उतरी थी की बेटी से रहा नहीं गया बोली ऑटो वाले भैया जरा ऑटो को उनके पास ले लो पास जाकर देखा तो बच्चे को तेज बुखार था और उनके पास खाने के लिए कुछ नहीं था एक तरफ भगवान घर पर आने वाले हैं और दूसरी तरफ यह समस्या बेटी ने सोचा भगवान को मना लूंगी लेकिन यदि इन्हें ऐसे ही हाल में छोड़ दिया गया तो भगवान बिल्कुल भी माफ नहीं करेंगे। 

बेटी ने जो-जो खरीदा था सब उनके हाथ में थमा दिया और तो और बचे हुए पचास रुपए भी दे दिए और बोली अभी मेरे पास इतना ही है इसलिए रख लीजिए बारिश हो रही थी तो छाता भी दे दिया और बच्चे को ठंड न लगे इसलिए कंबल भी दे दिया। 

 वहां से फटाफट घर पहुंचे यह सोचकर कि भगवान आ गए होंगे लेकिन दरवाजे पर मां खड़ी थी बोली आने में इतनी देर क्यों लगा दी बेटी और यह देख एक और चिट्ठी आई है। 

पता नहीं किसकी है बेटी ने पढ़ना शुरू किया उसमें लिखा था बेटी आज तुमसे मिलकर बहुत खुशी हुई पहले से दुबली हो गई हो लेकिन आज भी उतनी ही सुंदर हो मिठाई बहुत अच्छी थी और तुम्हारे दिए हुए कंबल से बहुत आराम मिला छाता देने के लिए धन्यवाद बेटी। 

 अगली बार मिलते ही लौटा दूंगा बेटी के तो होश उड़ गए निशब्द होकर पीछे मुड़कर सड़क किनारे देखा तो वहां कोई नहीं था चिट्ठी में आगे लिखा था इधर उधर मत ढूंढो मुझे मैं तो कण-कण में हूं जहां पवित्र सोच हो मैं हर उस मन में हूं यदि दिखे कोई जरूरतमंद तो मैं उस हर. जरूरतमंद मे हूं बेटी जोर से रो पड़ी और मां को सब बताया दोनों बहुत भावुक हो गए और पूरी रात सो नहीं पाए दोस्तों अब आप सभी से एक प्रश्न है यह बेटी सच में गरीब थी जरा सोचिए और अपने दिल से इस सवाल का जवाब दीजिएगा क्योंकि व्यक्ति मरने के बाद अपने साथ पैसे नहीं बल्कि कर्म लेकर जाता है और जरूरी नहीं कि हर पैसे वाला व्यक्ति अच्छे कर्म लेकर जा रहा हो इसीलिए कोशिश करें कि पैसों से अमीर हो या गरीब लेकिन कर्मों से अमीर जरूर बने.

